Christians, Jews, Muslims hold peace pilgrimage in London

Christians, Jews and Muslims from all walks of British life made a pilgrimage through central London on Thursday, in a show of unity against the hatred that drove recent attacks in France and Denmark   Continue reading Christians, Jews, Muslims hold peace pilgrimage in London

Muslims are taking photos at synagogues declaring themselves guardians of believers and their houses of worship.

VERY COOL: Muslims are taking photos at synagogues declaring themselves guardians of believers and their houses of worship. Muslim sisters and brothers: Thank you. Please send us your photos so we can post them. #IGoToSynagogue #WeMustStickTogether #MuslimsAndJewsRefuseToBeEnemies #ChildrenOfAbraham #AbrahamIbrahim Source: … Continue reading Muslims are taking photos at synagogues declaring themselves guardians of believers and their houses of worship.

Muslims to protect synagogue in Norway this Friday night, forming a “Ring of Peace” around the house of worship.

Muslims to protect synagogue in Norway this Friday night, forming a “Ring of Peace” around the house of worship. “If the Jihadists want to use violence in the name of Islam, they must go through us Muslims first,” one of … Continue reading Muslims to protect synagogue in Norway this Friday night, forming a “Ring of Peace” around the house of worship.